Disadvantages Of Mobile Back Cover Heat Up Issue Slow Performance And Much More

Disadvantages Of Mobile Back Cover Heat Up Issue Slow Performance And Much More

Disadvantages of Mobile Back Cover: Don’t know how many options we try first to buy a good smartphone for ourselves and then buy a good phone by investing good money. Immediately after buying the phone, we all look for mobile covers. In mobile cover also we need such a cover which is designer or has different pattern and looks most unique. If you see the mobile cover of girls then you will be shocked. These days plastic mobile cases have also started coming in the market. You must have seen many people who put thick rubber covers on their smartphones.

If you are also such a person who keeps a cover on the mobile phone, then know its disadvantages today. Mobile covers may provide protection to your smartphone but it also has many disadvantages. You do not know these disadvantages at all, but when you keep the cover on for a long time, then you start seeing the result on the phone.

These are the disadvantages of applying mobile cover

  1. If you use rubber cover, hard plastic cover etc. in your smartphone, then they prevent the heat of your mobile phone from coming out. When you work on the phone continuously, you must have noticed that many times your mobile phone starts heating up. In such a situation, the thick mobile cover slows down the performance of the smartphone. Because the phone starts heating up.
  2. There are many types of sensors installed in the smartphone. If you use an Ipaky cover, then it covers the mobile phone from all sides. This again affects the sensors of the mobile and there may be problems in network connectivity.
  3. If you use a mobile cover which is transparent or like a clear case, then it gets dirty within a few days and makes your mobile phone look ugly.
  4. One of the disadvantages of applying a cover on a smartphone is that when you keep the cover on the mobile phone, you forget to clean it, due to which dirt keeps accumulating on the sides and back panel of the mobile phone. Due to this, the dirt then starts accumulating in the speaker grill and the glass on the back panel and the look of the mobile starts getting spoiled. Sometimes even the sound coming from the speaker becomes slow.
  5. One of the disadvantages of buying a cover for a smartphone is that you have to spend extra money for it. That is, first you buy the most expensive smartphone for yourself and then spend money again for a good cover. You will be surprised to know that some people even spend 4 to 5,000 rupees for the cover of iPhone. So an Android smartphone is easily available these days.

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If you cannot live without a mobile phone cover, then always keep in mind while buying the cover that the cover should be very thin so that it does not affect the performance of the mobile phone. Also, once a week, remove the mobile cover and clean the smartphone.

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